Dang that’s
Crazy! (Told him of the winter storm this
week) I'm glad I've never really had to drive when there’s ice because it’s
so dangerous and hard to control, but there’s no worry of that for the next two
years cuz 1, there’s no driving unless I become AP (Assistant to the President),
or become an Office Elder, also unlikely. And 2 the record low temp here was in
2013, it was 49 Degrees..... I miss those winter days in Portland where it
takes forever to go anywhere cuz there’s just a little snow, but mostly I miss
the cold.
PHILIPPINES: is awesome!
It’s so unlike Christmas
in America, partly because I am a missionary, and not spending all my time with
family. But here they have been decorating for 3 months, people actually go caroling
for the 2 weeks before Christmas; so much so that people put signs on their
gates that say come back on the 24th. I'm sorry I wasn’t able to write Emails
to you all, but know that I wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope you
have a blast spending time with your families.
The food is one of my
favorites to make; I call it Tunay na rice. Which means real rice, but it is
actually just a can of tuna opened onto some rice :) It’s delicious. (No picture)
Dang :/ ask bishop to
contact members nearby so Dad can get a blessing (Tiegue’s dad has been sick), I’ve given so many blessings already.
The church is so different here, even though all of the doctrine is the same. It’s
like their faith is new/fresher, and it’s more constant through the week.
Partly because they get lots of visits from the missionaries but more so because
they feel they really need the blessings of the gospel.

The picture of me with
the grandma and little ones is Sister D…. She is 73. She manages her entire
household at the top of the mountain. Last week I went to her house and she wasn’t
there. After looking, I saw her walking up the steep trail with a 40-50 pound
Bundle of sticks on her shoulder. I rushed to relieve her of the load but she
said "huwag na, oklang, huwag na!" which means “don’t now, it’s ok, don’t
now." When I tried to just take it off her shoulder she said "No its
easier for me to just carry it, I'm almost there." Afterwards she told me how she was up late last
night cooking, UNTIL 1 AM, Then she went to sleep. UNTIL 3 AM. When
she started cooking again. SHE'S 73!
In the picture, the
way she is clutching her Book of Mormon isn’t by chance. She really clings to
it. She is the best example I have seen while I've been here. In America it was
Grandma Terry and Brother Hall, but here, she blows them out of the water. When
we go to visit her, she always bears her testimony so strongly that she tears
up. She tells us all the time of times when she’s witnessed the hand of God in
her life and in the lives of others. If she is dry eyed and we ask her to say
the closing prayer, her conversation to her Father in Heaven is so sincere and
compassionate she always gets choked up and has to wipe her eyes afterwards. I
hope we all can learn from her example and try to grow closer to our Father in
For Christmas we sent a 12 Days of Christmas package. On the First Day of Christmas we didn’t send a
partridge in a pear tree but a tree for him to decorate with photos of family
and friends and Christmas messages.
Look at the size of
this rat compared to Tiegue’s sandal (yes he gets to wear sandals!) and it was
IN their house!