The big news this week
was that Trump won! We were about to be turned down from a house until the man
saw that I was American, so he ushered us in as he said Trump was my new
president. People here love to talk politics, and apparently there are a lot of
relations/politics between Philippines and USA right now. But since we don’t
watch the news, we (missionaries) don’t know anything except what we hear from
other people. Everyone wants to know who I wanted to be president and what do I
think of Trump, which is honestly not a lot. I usually just say I hope I can
get back into my own country after two years, and that the flag is still Red
White and Blue, not Orange White and Blue.
This last Thursday we
did a service project in the area of Tubau, halfway up the mountain to Baguio.
It was at the house/workshop of a woodworker. The Baguio mission ordered about
200 jump rope handles as a Christmas gift from the mission to every missionary.
Our job was to write on the handles Philippines Baguio Mission all neat and
spaced out, for the guy to etch later. He let us personalize a pair with our
names and mission years on them! When we get them I'll take a pic for ya. Included
is a picture of Captain Moroni and Joseph Smith. Some of the different
carvings he does.
The other pic is some
more service, helping Sister Normal to spread her rice out for drying. It made
me think of the joke that Tongans spread concrete with their feet, well this is
how Philippinos do it. Reminded me of playing in the sand at the beach :)
Do you have a cell phone? Ipad? A cell phone, and pen and paper. Basically
everyone here has a phone.
If they (packages) get here on the 15th, tomorrow,
I'll have to wait until next Tuesday to receive them, since the
couple missionaries here pick up packages and bring them to our district
meetings on Tuesdays. 9 Boxes?! Are they big? I'll have to carry them all from
our church into a trike, and then to our house, I'll take a pic of the trike
stacked with packages. One of the pictures included is of Elder Beck carrying
his package from his parents. He's 6’3” And with the box he stood about 3 feet
taller than all the Philippinos around him. Inside was 25 smaller gifts for Christmas,
pictures, probably more things.
Showed this picture before but Hahaha and those dogs are
just outside our house. Whenever they are chained up like that they jump
straight against their ropes\chains and bark like crazy. One time the grey one actually
got loose and ran into our apartment. Elder Gamboa jumped up onto our couch, after
slipping around on our tile floor for a second, she found her way outside
again. They seem scary but she was just happy to run free.

At our Christmas Conference there is a "My Four Words" campaign, where every missionary submits a picture accompanied by 4 words related to missionary work, or the Gospel. At the Conference they'll all be combined into a montage with music and distributed to all the missionaries as a remembrance.
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