This Blog is about Elder Hennessey's two year mission, in the Philippines Baguio Mission, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Monday, March 26, 2018
We went to Buguias. It’s about 3.5 hours away, on
a uphill, windy mountain road. We did a 1 day mission to hopefully have a
branch there in a couple months. There are a handful of members maybe 20 and
probably around 10 going to church in the basement of a Farm supply store of a
return missionary. It was fun. We taught in English because they speak better English
than Tagalog. So that was new.

Monday, March 19, 2018
This week was fun. We
had a really good lesson with the L. Family. we shared Mosiah 14:3-7 and 2 Nephi
25:23 about the Savior’s love for us and that he does feel pain and sorrow when
we choose not to follow him. Then Tatay asked if the Atonement affects even
people in our day and age, or just the people who lived from Adam to Jesus'
time. We answered him with Alma 34:13-14
13 Therefore, it is
expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice, and then shall there
be, or it is expedient there should be, a stop to the shedding
of blood; then shall the law of Moses be fulfilled; yea, it
shall be all fulfilled, every jot and tittle, and none shall have passed away.
14 And behold, this is
the whole meaning of the law, every whit pointing to
that great and last sacrifice; and that great and
last sacrifice will be the Son of God, yea, infinite and
It was a really good
lesson and we felt the spirit a lot and Tatay thanked us for sharing the
scriptures to answer his questions cuz he can’t read. It’s really sad cuz there’s
so many people who want to follow Him, but they feel like they are not
qualified because of their education or level of life. All are welcome and all
are atoned for, and will be forgiven if we repent and change our ways to follow
Shout-out @ Cole Pitt
for actually emailing after he went home.
There were some other
things what happened but I felt like doin the spiritual moment this week. Hope
yalls enjoyed. (Don’t just read the references and move on, actually look
them up if you want to get the true meaning of this experience :) )
Elder Hennessey
Monday, March 12, 2018
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
from Elder Rennaker in Argentina!!! (Lounging in left chair)
Pics of the festival
and the family search booth in the festival "Session Road in Bloom"
This is a study table
of Brother Lambert. We went over to teach him a lesson and we saw he was
reviewing for all his tests. And in the middle of it all is the Book of Mormon.
I really respect this guy cuz he has a testimony, even if he doesn't understand
completely yet that if he follows the commandments of God.
Elder Hennessey
From week of 2-26-2018:
Hey yalls.
This week we're gonna
do a booth in the 2018 Panagbenga Festival here in Baguio City. The focus is It’s kinda cool that my mission and my Grandmas mission in
Utah are kinda connecting for a second, since all she does is stuff for Family
History. If you’re in the Philippines and wanna come through... come on
Saturday night from 5-8. I'll be working the booth. Also on Tuesday night same
time. We’re right down from the Post office behind the Globe and Smart booths.
If you’re from America, you’re still invited but umm, sariling pamasahe eh
Some Big spiders
Airport in Loakan.
The set up of the booth last night .
Have a nice week.
Tomorrow I hit 20
months in the mission :)
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